Suprimarea, refularea agresivitatii- ca si a sexualitatii- fac permanent rau in mintea si in psihicul omenesc. O spun si au spus-o mereu psihologii si yoghinii. Fii liber si alege sa exprimi ce este in inconstientul tau intr-o forma acceptabila, transformata, dar numai nu tine totul in tine.
I have a suspicion that wherever anger is suppressed too much, people have teeth trouble. Their teeth go wrong because there is too much energy and it is never released. And anybody who suppresses anger will eat more; angry people will always eat more because the teeth need some exercise. Angry people will smoke more. Angry people will talk more; they can become obsessive talkers because, somehow, the jaw needs exercise so that the energy is released a little bit. Angry people’s hands will become knotted, ugly. If the energy was released they could have become beautiful hands.
If you suppress anything, in the body there is some part, some corresponding part to the emotion. If you don’t want to cry, your eyes will lose the luster because tears are needed; they are a very alive phenomenon. When once in a while you weep and cry, really you go into it — you become it — and tears start flowing down your eyes; your eyes are cleansed, your eyes again become fresh, young, and virgin.
That’s why women have more beautiful eyes, because they can still cry. Man has lost his eyes because they have a wrong notion that men should not cry. If somebody, a small boy cries, even the parents, others, say, “What are you doing? Are you being a sissy?” What nonsense, because God has given you — man, woman — the same tear glands. If man was not to weep, there would have been no tear glands. Simple mathematics. Why do the tear glands exist in man in the same proportion as they exist in woman? Eyes need weeping and crying, and it is really beautiful if you can cry and weep wholeheartedly.
Remember, if you cannot cry and weep wholeheartedly, you cannot laugh also, because that is the other polarity. People who can laugh can also cry; people who cannot cry cannot laugh. And you may have observed sometimes in children: if they laugh loudly and long they start crying...because they are joined. In the villages I have heard mothers saying to their children, “Don’t laugh too much; otherwise you will start crying.” Really true, because the phenomena are not different ..
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